Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Food & Drinks

10 Convenient Ways To Eliminate Food Poisoning With Your Microwave
Microwave ovens can play an important role at mealtime, but special care must be taken when cooking or reheating meat, poultry, fish, and eggs to make sure they are prepared safely. Microwave ovens can cook unevenly and leave "cold spots," where harmful bacteria can survive. For this reason, it is important to use the following safe microwaving tips to prevent food-borne illness.
Microwave Cooking
1. Arrange food items evenly in a covered dish and add some liquid if needed. Cover the dish with a lid or plastic wrap; loosen or vent the lid or wrap to let steam escape.
2. Large cuts of meat should be cooked on medium power (50%) for longer periods. This allows heat to reach the center without overcooking outer areas.
3. Stir or rotate food midway through the microwaving time to eliminate cold spots where harmful bacteria can survive.
Microwave Defrosting
4. Remove food from packaging before defrosting. Do not use foam trays and plastic wraps because they are not heat stable at high temperatures.
5. Cook meat, poultry, egg casseroles, and fish immediately after defrosting in the microwave oven because some areas of the frozen food may begin to cook during the defrosting time.
Reheating In The Microwave
6. Cover foods with a lid or a microwave-safe plastic wrap to hold in moisture and provide safe, even heating.
7. After reheating foods in the microwave oven, allow standing time. Then, use a clean food thermometer to check that food has reached 165 °F.
Proper Containers
8. Only use cookware that is specially manufactured for use in the microwave oven and that is labeled for microwave oven use.
9. Plastic storage containers such as margarine tubs, take- out containers, whipped topping bowls, and other one-time use containers should not be used in microwave ovens. These containers can warp or melt, possibly causing harmful chemicals to migrate into the food.
10. Microwave plastic wraps, wax paper, cooking bags, parchment paper, and white microwave-safe paper towels should be safe to use. Do not let plastic wrap touch foods during microwaving.
Copyright (c) Terry Nicholls. All Rights Reserved.
Submitted by:
Terry Nicholls
Terry Nicholls is the author of the eBook "Food Safety: Protecting Your Family From Food Poisoning". For more tips like these, and to learn more about his book, visit his website at


10-Question Checklist to Select the Right Brain Fitness Program for You
Unless you have been living in a cave, you have read by now multiple articles about the brain training and brain exercise craze: sudoku, Nintendo BrainAge, multiple online games, software like MindFit and Posit Science... How do you know which of them can help you more, or whether you need any of them? Well, that's why we are publishing the SharpBrains Checklist below, to help you navigate through the overwhelming and conflicting media reports and company announcements. We have spent over 18 months interviewing scientists and reviewing available Brain Fitness and Exercise Programs worldwide, and we are going to share with you, right now, the research-based criteria we use to evaluate them. ***** 10 Questions to Choose the Right Brain Fitness Program for You (and a brief explanation of why each question is important)***** * 1. Are there scientists, ideally neuropsychologists, and a scientific advisory board behind the program? (Neuropsychologists specialize in measuring and understanding human cognition and brain structure and function.) * 2. Are there published, peer-reviewed scientific papers in PubMed written by those scientists? How many? (PubMed is a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine that includes millions of citations science journals. If a scientist has not published a paper that appears in that database, he or she cannot make scientific claims.) * 3. What are the specific benefits claimed for using this program? (Some programs present the benefits in such a nebulous way that it is impossible to tell if they will have any results or not.) * 4. Does the program tell me what part of my brain or which cognitive skill I am exercising, and is there an independent assessment to measure my progress? (The question is whether the improvement experienced in the program will transfer into real life. For that to happen we need assessments that are distinct from the exercises themselves.) * 5. Is it a structured program with guidance on how many hours per week and days per week to use it? (Brain exercise is not a magic pill. You have to do the exercises in order to benefit, so you need clarity on the effort required.) * 6. Do the exercises vary and teach me something new? (The only way to exercise important parts of our brain is by tackling novel challenges.) * 7. Does the program challenge and motivate me, or does it feel like it would become easy once I learned it? (Good brain exercise requires increasing levels of difficulty) * 8. Does the program fit my personal goals? (Each individual has different goals/ needs when it comes to brain health. For example, some want to manage anxiety, others to improve short-term memory...) * 9. Does the program fit my lifestyle? (Some brain exercise programs have great short-term results but are very intense. Others may be better over time) * 10. Am I ready and willing to do the program, or would it be too stressful? (Excess stress reduces, or may even inhibit, neurogenesis-the creation of new neurons-. So, it is important to make sure not to do things that stress us in unhealthy ways.) We hope this information is useful. Now, go and exercise your brain! Copyright (c) 2007 SharpBrains
Submitted by:
Alvaro Fernandez
Alvaro Fernandez is the CEO and Co-Founder of SharpBrains, which provides the latest science-based information for Brain Health and Brain Fitness. Alvaro holds MA in Education and MBA from Stanford University. He has been teaching the class Exercising Our Brains at the San Francisco State University, and will be teaching The Science of Brain Health at UC-Berkeley Lifelong Learning Institute. Learn more at


10 Biggest Mistakes Grape Growers Make
Just the other day, me and a good friend of mine, was talking about the mistakes most of the grape growers make. These are basic errors that can easily fixed if the grape grower knows how to. Here are 10 things most grape growers do wrong. 1. Poor planning of your vineyard Remember, the best row direction for a grape vine is north/south. This will give the vines the maximum exposure to the much-needed sunlight and the vines need the sunlight to ripen fruit, ripen buds, and for normal photosynthesis. 2. Underestimation of the vitality of the vine Too many people construct their trellises to small and then the vine overgrows the whole trellis by so much, that the advantages of having a trellis have no effect! The main purpose of a trellis is to support the vine, but another main reason for having a trellis is to spread the shoots, so it will be exposed to enough sunlight. 3. The trellis is not constructed beforehand. I see this problem often. You plant your vine, and think you will set up the trellis later and this usually never happens before the 2nd year. What you are actually doing, is setting back the development of your vine with one full year! And normally this makes pruning, training and disease control almost impossible! Construct your trellis before you plant the vine, this will guarantee that you can start training the vine as soon as starts growing. 4. Underestimating the importance of removing site shoots when training your vine. Side shoots set back the growth of your young vine and uses energy that could have gone into growth. One very important thing to remember is that side shoots are used for developing the framework of the vine, once it reaches the trellis. Do not remove any side shoots, within 6 inches from the bottom trellis wire, once your vine reaches the this wire. 5. Summer treatments not done properly The removing of leaves, the suckering of water shoots, the twining of shoots and the thinning out of bunches (if you want larger berries) is not often done by home grape growers. Applying the correct summer treatments, will ensure that pruning during the winter will be much easier. This will also keep your vine from compacting, which will be bad for sunlight penetration, disease control and ripening of fruit, shoots and buds. 6. Choking of young training shoots When training the vine, we use a string attached to the vine and stretched to the bottom wire of the trellis. This training line (strings) is tied the incorrect way so shoot above this string was chosen to train and develop the vine. Once the stem of the vine grows thicker, and this training wire was not removed, it chokes the vine and can even kill it! I've seen 2-year-old vine die because of this. 7. Leaving way to many clusters on young vines I call this greediness (not being rude :-). This is natural, you leave as many grapes as you can on a young vine - actually, what you are doing is setting back the young vine and eventually you will struggle to develop a strong framework 8. Choosing the wrong shoots when pruning Choosing the wrong shoot will have a direct influence on the crop size. Use only strong, well matured shoots as bearers for next season's crop. If you cane prune, this is even more important! 9. Not training the vine the correct way. This is by far the biggest mistake, home grape growers make and this will influence the vine for the rest of its life. The training of a young vine must be done properly because the training method you use, will make the framework of your vine. 10. Knowledge! OK so even the most experienced grape grower, still learns new things every single day, but you must teach yourself the basic knowledge of the grape vine, before you start growing one. Most of the home grape growers make these basic mistakes. Applying the correct techniques will ensure a healthy, great looking, fruitful and happy grape vine. "The Complete Grape Growers Guide" will cover ALL of these mistakes in detail. Have a grape (great) day!
Submitted by:
Danie Wium
Danie Wium "The Complete Grape Growers Guide" at, will guide you step by step, with real pitures, well illustrated drawings and easy readable text, how to grow your grape vine. View their website at:

Kids & Teens

10 Tips for Better Grades in Math
Pass these on to your high school math student:
1. Don't just aim for 70%. Aim high and shoot for 100%.
2. When doing your math homework, be neat. It does make a difference.
3. It's not just the answer that counts in math. Much of your grade is based on the intermediate steps in getting to the answer. So show all your work. Your objective should be to convince your teacher that you know how to do the problem.
4. It is important to read over the material in your math text book. Don't just focus on your homework problems.
5. Take notes from lectures, writing them neatly. When you study them, check points you need to review.
6. If you don't understand something, ask your teacher as soon as you can.
6. Watch for summaries within and at the end of assigned chapters.
7. Look for bold face and italic copy. They signify important points to remember.
8. If your homework assignments were just the even numbered questions, then do some of the others in reviewing for a test.
9. Keep up with your class on a daily basis. Try hard not to get behind.
10. Don't take the attitude that you aren't good in math. Have a positive attitude. Think, "I can do my math and I can get a good grade in math."


10 Amazing Ways To Jump Start Your Sales For Big Profits
10 Amazing Web Promotion Ways To Jump Start Your Sales
1. Find a strategic business partner. Look for ones that have the same objective. You can trade leads, share marketing info, sell package deals, etc.
2. Brand your name and business. You can easily do this by just writing articles and submitting them to e-zines or web sites for republishing.
3. Start an auction on your web site. The type of auction could be related to the theme of your site. You'll draw traffic from auctioneers and bidders.
4. Remember to take a little time out of your day or week to brainstorm. New ideas are usually the difference between success and failure.
5. Model other successful business or people. I'm not saying out right copy them, but practice some of the same habits that have made them succeed.
6. Take risks to improve your business. Sometimes businesses don't want to advertise unless it's free, sometimes you have to spend money to get results.
7. Include emotional words in your advertisements. Use ones like love, security, relief, freedom, happy, satisfaction, fun, etc.
8. Ask people online to review your web site. You can use the comments you get to improve your web site or you may turn the reviewer into a customer.
9. Out source part of your workload. You'll save on most employee costs. You could out source your secretarial work, accounting, marketing, etc.
10. Combine a product and service together in a package deal. It could increase your sales. If you're selling a book, offer an hour of consulting with it.
Hello, do you have a website and sell something on the internet?
If yes, may I offer you 10 amazing ways to jump start your sales at your website!
1. Find a strategic business partner. Look for ones that have the same objective. You can trade leads, share marketing info, sell package deals, etc.
2. Brand your name and business. You can easily do this by just writing articles and submitting them to e-zines or websites for republishing.
3. Start an auction on your website. The type of auction could be related to the theme of your site. You'll draw traffic from auctioneers and bidders.
4. Remember to take a little time out of your day or week to brainstorm. New ideas are usually the difference between success and failure.
5. Model other successful business or people. I'm not saying out right copy them, but practice some of the same habits that have made them succeed.
6. Take risks to improve your business. Sometimes businesses don't want to advertise unless it's free, sometimes you have to spend money to get results.
7. Include emotional words in your advertisements. Use ones like love, security, relief, freedom, happy, satisfaction, fun, etc.
8. Ask people online to review your website. You can use the comments you get to improve your web site or you may turn the reviewer into a customer.
9. Out source part of your workload. You'll save on most employee costs. You could out source your secretarial work, accounting, marketing, etc.
10. Combine a product and service together in a package deal. It could increase your sales. If you're selling a book, offer an hour of consulting with it.


10 Dating Tips for Divorced Men
What do you do when you just went through a bitter divorce and now you find yourself on the single scene once again?? Where do you start? How do you meet women again? Do you know how to properly approach beautiful women? Sometimes, it appears that the times have drastically changed since you were last single. How do you begin anew? In my line of work, I get all sorts of clients and inevitably some of the men are divorced guys looking to work the single scenes, except they have no idea where to begin. It's been a quite a while since they hit the bar scene with the fellas and approached girls and now, what perhaps used to be second nature, feels a bit foreign. It seems as if the times have changed so much. Perhaps they never great at attracting women and they feel like they lucked out with that one girl they married, and now she is gone. Oh, what will they do now?? Now, I have to be honest with you. I have never been divorced. Then again, that may be because I have never been married either. My job is to help guys from all walks of life meet women, build attraction, and have a successful dating life. My job is to help men attract women. Whether you plan to get married again or not is none of my business. If you have been out of the scene for a while, you need to become acclimated into the single scene once again. Now, I am going to lay out a specific 10 Step program to enable you to effectively join the single scene again and start attracting more women. ***STEP 1- Attitude readjustment*** It all starts with your ATTITUDE. This is the first step! You have to make a decision. I can give you all sorts of dating advice but it won't do you any good until you decide that you want to get this part of your life handled. So you have a choice: You can either sit there, bitch and complain about how the times have changed, about how it's been so long since you have done the single thing, and what a shame it is, OR you can make a decision NOW to attract a great woman (women) in your life. If you are reading through this article, perhaps you have already made this decision! This is a time to celebrate your freedom! Chances are if you were married for 15 or 20 years, you were institutionalized, sort of like the character of "Brooks" from the classic movie "The Shawshank Redemption." If you've seen the movie, you know exactly what I am talking about. "Brooks" from Shawshank wanted to choose staying in a sadistic and brutal prison rather than celebrate a freedom that came with uncertainty. When you were married, things made sense even if the circumstances were atrocious. Now, things suddenly do not make sense and this is a scary feeling. You must realize that this is a temporary state, and it will pass. You're not the first man to become divorced, nor are you the last. In fact 60% of marriages end up in a divorce in some parts of the country so you're in pretty good company. Adjust your attitude. Start to realize that you have just opened the door to a world of new possibilities. Celebrate your new found freedom and the door that has just been opened to new possibilities. ***STEP 2- Burn your old clothes. Time for a makeover*** Look, I know it's possible that you were already a sharp dresser. Anything is possible!! We live in a country that lets Geraldo on TV! In my experience, however, most men have no clue how to dress properly and when it comes to married men, forget about it. In my experience, most married men I meet, have settled into a comfort zone where the sweatshirt over plain pants look has become their calling card. If you are back on the single scene, it'd help if you started to once again take care of your appearance. It's time to a grab a few new outfits, a pair of new shoes, and do some grooming. I understand how basic this sounds but you may be astounded as to how many guys I come across who fail their basic grooming. Just make sure your hair (don't care if it's completely shaved or in a pompadour,) your beard/goatee, looks like it's been cared for. Good Breath is on top of this list. The problem is most people including many of your buddies won't tell you that you have bad breath. They'll just run away. Our first step is to make certain that we are taking care of the basics. Change the way you dress, start grooming, and look presentable. Look like you're in demand and that you know it! ***STEP 3- Start Approaching*** Make an effort to approach more women and grow your social circle. You have to start socializing more with women as well as more men. Most married couples hang out with other married couples, talk about babies, fight over bills, and watch reruns of Law & Order. It's needless to say that regardless of the conversational topics, this particular social circle isn't going to introduce you to as many single women as you'd like to meet. Hence, it'd be very wise to start creating new social circles that include single people, or at the very least, people in relationships who are still in touch with the single world. You must realize that this takes some effort on your part. You ought to start initiating conversations with more women everywhere you go. Most people immediately think of going to bars and clubs. Depending on your age, taste, likes and dislikes, you may not be a bar/club guy. That's certainly understandable. You can still make an effort to approach women during your daily activities which could range from supermarket and coffee-shops to various classes, clubs, and the gym. You also may want to give online personals a try. I'd only advise you to utilize the personals as a supplemental means to meet women, not as your only means to meet new women. ***STEP 4- Start exercising again*** I am being a bit presumptuous here. If you're doing it already, that's fantastic. Most married guys start growing horizontally. Exercise will make you FEEL better physically, emotionally, and mentally. It will also boost your self-confidence which is of the utmost importance! Plus if you join a gym, you will meet new people, females as well as males. (Not to mention that it will improve your physical appearance.) This is not a ploy to pick up women. You'll feel better because of it! ***STEP 5- Establishing New networks*** Look to create a network of single friends who really enjoy going out and meeting women. Nothing would probably encourage you more to actually enjoy going out and meeting women more than surrounding yourself with a few guys who like to have a good time and socialize. Hanging with introverts who want to sit home and maybe play a card game or two is not going to help you meet more women. If you are going to hang with guys like that, then make sure you balance it with hanging with a few animals who want to hit the outdoor life.

Music & Movies

10 Tips for Buying Rap Beats Online
Buying rap beats online is quickly growing and it’s great to use the internet to bring talented producers and artists from different parts of the world together. However, like with any game, there are some players who do things right, and others who don’t. We’ve therefore compiled this simple list of tips for buying rap beats online in order to help aspiring artists out there pick the right website/producers to work with. We now have four years experience selling rap beats online through our website, and we hope that these tips will prove useful to you! 1. Music Licenses – Understand them Know the difference between exclusive and non-exclusive licenses. An exclusive license will grant you the exclusive (hence the name) right to use the beats for your projects. A non-exclusive license will give you the right to use the beat for your musical projects, however the producer retains the right to sell the beat to other artists too. 2. Music Licenses – Know which one to buy Exclusive licenses can be expensive, but essential if you’re looking to commercially release an album. If you’re however recording a demo or mixtape, a non-exclusive license is fine, however make sure you check with the producer what rights you get as these will vary from site to site. 3. Prices, don’t pay too much! Owners of beat sites often get carried away by their big ego’s and will charge inflated prices for standard beats. A rough guideline for prices follows: Non-Exclusive Licenses - $15 - $50 Exclusive Licenses - $100 - $1000 Of course, the above prices depend on the producer’s popularity and talent. However, we would not recommend paying more than $1000 for an exclusive license bought online from someone you have never met in person. 4. Websites, only buy from trusted ones Any proper online business will make sure they have a trustworthy image. Therefore make sure that the site you’re buying from has at least one or two of these: - Full contact details, phone number, email, mailing address - Privacy Policy 5. Look for trust symbols On top of the above, the website should also have third party trust symbols. These are certifications from other companies that prove the website is trustworthy and not fraudulent. Some symbols to look for are: - BBB Certification - Paypal Verified - Shopping reviews - Hacker Safety Certifications - Antivirus Safety Certifications Also make sure these symbols link through to another page that explains what they mean and how the website in question fits the criteria. 6. Email the site and check if they reply Crazy, but certain beat sites will not bother doing this. Would you want to do business with someone who doesn’t care about talking to you? Also, this will prove that the website is a serious online business with a team of human beings running it properly. 7. Look for testimonials This is not essential, but it’s always good if you can see that others have dealt with the site before and have been satisifed with their beats. 8. Avoid producers who only use a Soundclick/MySpace page to sell beats A domain name costs less than $15 a year, surely it’s not a good sign if someone doesn’t even have the money to buy that and set up their own independent website? 9. Search for the site on Google This is a quick easy way to check a site’s reputation. Do any bad comments show up, or anything else unusual? 10. Is the site alive?