Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Link Popularity

osmousdpLink building is the process of acquiring links from relevant Web sites. Link building plays a significant role in search engine optimization (SEO). Popular search engines such as Google, Yahoo!, and MSN welcome organic links in a Web site. By implementing effective links, a Web site can have the following benefits. • Improve the quality of the Web site The whole concept of link building focuses on sharing right and comprehensive information with users. If a Web site embeds a hyperlink into it, it shows that there is some information in that link, which might be of some interest to the u... (read more)
Link building is the process of acquiring links from relevant Web sites. Link building plays a significant role in search engine optimization (SEO). Popular search engines such as Google, Yahoo!, and MSN welcome organic links in a Web site. By implementing effective links, a Web site can have the following benefits.
• Improve the quality of the Web site The whole concept of link building focuses on sharing right and comprehensive information with users. If a Web site embeds a hyperlink into it, it shows that there is some information in that link, which might be of some interest to the user. An interested user may click that link and reach the respective page in that Web site. Thus they gain more information on their topics of interest. In this way, link building helps in generating user interest and increases usability of a Web site.
• Impress search engines As mentioned above, links can play a great role in building traffic to a Web site. For search engines, a Web site that is rich with relevant external links is better than that with few or no links. The search engines attribute the link popularity of a Web site to its quality. Thus, a Web site with more backlinks is likely to score better in the search results.
• Build credibility Links are yardsticks of credibility of a business. If a user finds the hyperlink of your Web site on a popular Web site, he/she is likely to develop more confidence in your business thanks to the reputation of the partner Web site. A share of their reputation is thus transferred to your Web site. Blogs demonstrate the most practical approach to build confidence of users through links. Trusted blogs always share trustworthy links. A regular visitor to such blogs is likely to trust the links and the corresponding Web sites.

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